

News sites |  FAQs and responding to climate denial |  Videos | General resources on climate change | Climate science|  Climate change: advocacy and policy | Renewable energy research, finance and industry bodies | State and Territory government sites | City and local government action | Other climate change links | Online courses on climate change |Australian environmental organisations - general | Environment and development |  Other environmental links and networks | Labor and related links

The organisations linked here represent a wide range of opinion and expertise in Australian society and beyond. LEAN and the ALP do not control and are not responsible for content of external pages linked.  

Environment news - general

Climate news sites

FAQs and responding to climate denial


General resources on climate change

See also: archive of LEAN's posts on Twitter (lots of links with occasional comments)

Climate science

Climate change:  advocacy and policy

Climate Change Authority

The Authority (chaired by former Reserve Bank chairman Bernie Fraser) provides independent advice on Australia’s emissions reduction targets and other climate change initiatives. Tony Abbott is trying to pass legislation to silence this independent expert voice before it can publish its final report! Labor says no.  

Renewable energy research, finance and industry bodies

State and Territory government climate sites

Other climate change links

Online courses on climate change

Australian environmental organisations - general

Environment and development 

Other environment links and networks

Labor and related links

Last updated 16 February 2014

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