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50/50 Branch Motion

LEAN is asking branches and Federal Electoral Councils/Assemblies to pass a motion in support of strong, credible Labor policy on climate change. Can you take this to your branch for endorsement?

This branch calls upon the Australian Labor Party to lead the nation on climate action. It calls on the Australian Labor Party to adopt in its platform:

• An energy policy that delivers 50% of our electricity from renewable sources by 2030.  And the creation of one ministry of Climate Change and Energy to deliver coherent policy with two aims – affordable and clean energy.

• Reducing Australia’s carbon pollution by 50% on 2000 levels by 2030 or the latest recommended target of the Climate Change Authority.

• A commitment to put climate action at the heart of its program to deliver jobs, innovation and investment to build a prosperous, safe and fair Australia.

This branch calls on our Federal Electoral Council/ Assembly to pass this motion in support of our branch’s concern and bind/encourage its conference delegate to support this motion at National Conference.

When you have passed the motion please let us know. Email [email protected]

Click here for a "how to" pack for download and printing. It includes all the background materials you need to pass the motion at your branch + instructions of how to let us and the Federal parliamentary party know.

Click here to see a 50/50 campaign presentation you can share with your branch. You'll need the password: LEAN50fifty