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Labor National Conference 2023

The 2023 Australian Labor National Conference is being held in Brisbane from 17-19th August. 

The National Conference is held once ever term of federal parliament. It sets the policy platform of the party, and is comprised of delegates from branches and unions across Australia. It is a key moment for rank and file groups like LEAN to influence the party's policy. In previous years LEAN has won significant campaigns at the National Conference, including the 50/50 climate targets in 2015 and National Environment Law reform in 2018. 

The 'PROTECTING AUSTRALIA'S CLIMATE, ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY SECURITY' chapter will be debated on Thursday in the afternoon session, view the full agenda here.  


Join LEAN at Conference 

LEAN will have a large presence at the 2023 conference. We need your help to raise the profile of the environment, come and join us! Labor members can register to be a conference observer here. Contact [email protected] if you would like to join us at conference and are able to help with a range of activities we will be running, including the LEAN stall and handing information to delegates + MPs as they arrive. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up here.

LEAN will also be hosting a LEAN dinner on the Wednesday 16th August at 7pm at The Plough Inn before conference and a drinks on the Thursday at 4.30pm. Let Louise know if you want to come to the dinner at [email protected]

FRINGE Events 

The Fringe program presents a range of side events on progressive topics and policy ideas. If you volunteer with LEAN, we can help you get a discounted ticket or else you can buy a ticket to the Fringe here. 

Don't miss free drinks, straight after Conference conclusion on Thursday August 17, 4.30pm. LEAN joins with ACF to address Labor's legacy on Nature and Climate

As usual, there will be a range of Environment + Climate focused events, including LEAN's very own: 

  • LEAN and Queensland Conservation Council - Native forest logging - an industry for a carbon-constrained world? with Minister Plibersek and Prof Andrew McIntosh, Thursday 17th, 11am
  • Australian Climate and Biodiversity Foundation (ACBF) - Natural Capital: Revitalising Regional Australia with Dr Ken Henry, Thursday 17, 2pm
  • LEAN, Smart Energy Council and Electrical Trades Union (ETU) - An Australian Inflation Reduction Act with Saul Griffiths, August 17, 12.45pm
  • LEAN and Australian Conservation Foundation - Labor’s legacy on Nature and Climate: past, present and future with Ministers Bowen and Plibersek and John Thwaites, Drinks. August 17, 4.30pm
  • Australian Workers Union, Critical Minerals, Thursday 17th, 2pm
  • Smart Energy Council - Out of the naughty corner, Australia's bid to host a climate COP with Assistant Minister Jenny McAllister, Thursday August 17, 8.30am for coffee
  • Electrical Trades Union (ETU) - Save the world, Do a trade, Friday 18th, 8.30am 
  • Pew Charitable Trusts - Sub Antartic Islands, movie, Thursday August 17, 3.30pm

You can view the full program here

LEAN's Priorities at Conference 2023

LEAN's main focus at the Conference is our campaign, Climate, Clearing and Cows but there are other issues that are important too. Here is a recap of LEAN's overall priorities for Conference:

  • Native Forest logging and clearing - end native forest logging and land clearing in the light of extinctions, climate change, depleted timber resource, bushfires and loss of community license. Create jobs for forest workers in managing forests for carbon and expanding plantations.
  • Land sector plan - a timeline and plan for addressing land sector , particularly protecting and restoring landscapes, and its role in responding to the climate and biodiversity crisis while creating good regional jobs.
  • Inflation Reduction Act for Australia - the US Government has committed nearly $400 billion to decarbonising the economy through tax breaks, grants and procurement. It focuses on energy but includes nature and agriculture. We need a plan to supercharge our pathway to low carbon prosperity.
  • National Environment Commission - a commitment that the Government will establish a "Climate Change Authority for the environment" to make sure our approach can match the crisis facing us.  
  • Gas and CCS - ensuring we have a pathway to increased ambition on switching away from fossil fuels.
  • Water - ensuring the entire Commonwealth are on board with delivery of 450 GL of water to the Murray Darling river system. 
  • AUKUS - representing member concerns on nuclear and its deadly dangers, and how to ameliorate these. 

You can read our working amendments on land carbon and the National Environment Commission here

And you can read our report on Land Carbon: A New Industry in Protecting and Restoring Forests here


How else can you help?