LEAN congratulates Federal Labor Leader, Bill Shorten for making us proud at a time when the hope of climate action took such a grim turn in Federal Parliament. Bill's speech was strong and his commitment to reintroducing an emissions trading scheme an important marker in Labor leading the country on a just and fair transition to a safe future. His speech is well worth the read.
The first weeks of July 2014 were sad for all those who want to see action to arrest global warming. Much of the architecture put in place by Labor to address climate pollution was dismantled by the new senate.
In the midst of this however, Labor stood firm and in fact further strengthened its resolve on climate action. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten made a terrific speech in Parliament , giving life and steel to Labor’s commitment. It will give you heart and is well worth either reading or watching.
On the day the climate price was repealed, Bill Shorten courageously committed Labor to taking an Emissions Trading Scheme policy to the next election. LEAN congratulates Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and the caucus for this. It is both a courageous and an important decision.