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Draft National Platform, December 2020

Read LEAN's response to the Draft National Policy Platform, adopted on December 15 2020:

This afternoon the National Policy Forum approved the next draft of the ALP's National Policy Platform. 

With over 300 submissions on Chapter 3 (Environment and Climate Change) -  we once again smashed the records, with more submissions than any other chapter! Once again you delivered solid evidence of the depth of Labor member concern for our environment and climate.

And we have some great news, LEAN's three key proposals have been adopted:

1. Labor will commit to medium term emission reduction targets on the path to net zero by 2050. This means real ambition will be defined with targets for 2030 or 2035 that reflect what will be necessary for Australia in the race to arrest the impacts of a changing climate. And,

2. Labor is committed to creating an independent EPA (Environment Protection Authority), a "strong cop on the beat" to transform the failing approach to environmental protection in this country.

3. Labor is committed to environmental law reform to ensure we "arrest species decline and protect habitats, control invasive species, restore landscapes, manage plastic pollution and address the impacts of a changing climate." 

These three additions reflect all the work we have done together over many years to build the framework for ambitious climate policy and the institutional and legal grunt to protect the environment. Thank you for your role in this - every branch motion, every meeting, every submission builds the strength of these policy commitments. 

Across the rest of the Chapter many of the amendments you and others proposed have been adopted. We worked with Senator Pat Dodson and others in the indigenous caucus to push for stronger commitments on Indigenous heritage and with waste advocates to push for cutting edge commitments on waste and the circular economy. What's more we supported union efforts to deliver clear commitments to a statutory authority to deliver support for communities impacted by an economy shifting to clean power. 

Disappointingly, the commitments on gas do not acknowledge the greenhouse impacts of gas and overtly support the development of new gas projects - a position LEAN does not endorse. Furthermore, our amendment to commit to no public subsidy for new fossil fuel projects and infrastructure was not adopted. We are considering how to approach these challenges. The newly announced National Conference, will finalise the Platform on March 30 next year. LEAN will continue to argue that climate action is core Labor business and acting to arrest climate change can create good jobs and futures for Australia. 

Thanks to Mark Butler and Terri Butler, the shadow ministers who engaged with us constructively. And to Nuatali Nelmes, who was our chapter lead and championed our concerns in the National Policy Forum process. The full new draft should be published on the ALP website by the end of the week. 

Most of us are pleased to see 2020 come to an end. On behalf of LEAN, here's wishing you a happy and re-energising Christmas. We look forward to revving up again to support good climate and environment policy within the Labor party AND the election of a Federal Labor Government in 2021. 

READ THE FINAL CONSULTATION DRAFT OF THE ALP NATIONAL PLATFORM, adopted December 15 2020 and debated at the National Conference, March 30/31 2021.

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