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Join LEAN at the National Conference Fringe

The Labor Party National Conference Fringe Program has four environment focused events - all of which will be corkers! Come and hear Tony Sheldon from the TWU discuss environment and labour relations with Tim Flannery of the Climate Council. Or hear energy ministers from around the Labor states discuss renewables with the Solar Council. Hear Pacific leaders talk about the impacts of climate change and discuss how our environmental laws need to be updated to adequately protect Australia through this century...

The full Fringe program and how to get tickets is at Fringe Program will run over the three days of the Conference, Friday July 24 - Sunday July 26 and has all sorts of goodies on offer. Below are the details of the four environmentally focused fringe events. We highly recommend each one!

Friday 12.30-1.30 pm, Room 206
Transport Workers Union and Labor Environment Action Network present
Is the environment a middle class obsession?

A panel discussion exploring the tension between jobs vs the environment that rumbles at the heart of the Labor Party with Tony Sheldon, TWU, Tim Flannery, Climate Council and Claire O’Rourke, Solar Citizens.

Saturday 9.30-11.30 am, Room 209
Solar Council presents
Save Solar

With Mark Butler, Shadow Climate Change Minister, Luke Foley, NSW Labor leader, Simon Corbell, ACT Climate Change Minister, Lily D’Ambrosio, Victorian Energy Minister and Felicity Wade, LEAN.

Saturday 6-7pm, Room 207
Australian Conservation Foundation presents
A New Environment for Labor

A discussion on the frameworks, policies and laws necessary to protect our natural heritage into the 21st century with Mark Butler, Shadow Environment Minister, Kelly O’Shanassy, CEO of ACF, Lyndon Schneiders, Director of The Wilderness Society and Dermot O’Gorman, CEO of WWF Australia.

Sunday 1.30-2.30pm, Room 209
Labor Environment Action Network (LEAN) presents
Climate Change and the Pacific

Our nearest neighbours in the Pacific will be some of the hardest hit by climate change. Join Matt Thistlethwaite, Shadow Parl Sec for Foreign Affairs to talk about the impacts on the Pacific with Ikani Taliai, United Pasifika Council, Jon Barnett, Melbourne University and Kelly Dent, Oxfam.

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