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LEAN National Conference Proposed Amendments - working version

National Conference, August 2023
published July 2023


Chapter 3, replace para 50:

Labor recognises the important role forests and woodlands play in addressing climate change and arresting environmental collapse. To protect and enhance this role, Labor commits to:

  1. a rapid cessation of native forest logging, shifting from 90% to 100% plantation timber
  2. an immediate end to broadscale land clearing, and adoption of the Food and Agriculture Organisation's definition of deforestation*
  3. a comprehensive land carbon strategy to create a globally significant carbon sink and biodiversity reserves through protection and restoration of Australian landscapes.  The Net Zero Authority, the National Reconstruction Fund and Powering the Regions Fund will support building the land sector industry.

New paras after para 50

Labor will create sustainable jobs in the timber industry by supporting the transformation of the industry’s capacity and technology. This change will include investing in the skills of timber workers, so as to move the industry toward high value products.

A land carbon industry plan will create secure, long-term employment in the regions and empower local communities, including First Nations communities, to protect and restore their natural environment.

Chapter 3, new para after para 32:

Labor recognises that emissions from agriculture, and particularly methane, contribute significantly to climate change. To address this, Labor will work with the industry, investing in innovative solutions with a view to halving methane from agriculture by 2030.


Chapter 3, new para after para 34:

Labor will create and fully resource an independent National Environment Commission to provide expert advice to the Government on delivering a nature positive Australia. It will track outcomes, provide policy innovation and advise on solving challenges as they emerge.


 * FAO definition: Deforestation is the conversion of forest to another land use or the long-term reduction of tree canopy cover below the 10% threshold.