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NSW Labor Conference 2024 Outcomes

This year's conference secured a number of great outcomes for the climate and nature including:

  • Our motion on Habitat Clearing passed, reaffirming Labor’s commitment to stop clearing. 
  • Forests, the Labor platform for the first time recognises the carbon and biodiversity values of our native forests. It puts these considerations at the center of our forest policy.
  • Our motion on Household electrification passed, calling on the government to set ambitious electrification targets, and support domestic manufacturing of electric appliances. 
  • Gas, the Labor platform now recognises gas use must decline, and commits Labor to accelerate efforts to reduce domestic demand for gas. 
  • Marine Environment - we secured a new commitment in the platform to create a NSW Marine Parks Establishment Plan, and our motion calling for the NSW Government to return sanctuary zones to full protection was successful. 
  • Invasive Species - the Labor platform now recognises this as one of the biggest threats to biodiversity and commits to Strengthen the NSW biosecurity system and prevent the sale of weedy plants.
  • Climate  - Our motions calling on the government to “redouble our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions” and to maximize opportunities for public ownership in the energy transition passed.

Read the full report below:

Habitat Clearing 

Conference endorsed LEAN’s below motion re-committing Labor to stop habitat clearing. 

  1. Notes the recent NSW Government Biodiversity Outlook Report revealed that NSWwas on track to see ~500 species go extinct within 100 years; the ecological carrying capacity of the environment to support species has declined to just 29% of what it once was; and that habitat clearing is the key pressure driving this decline.
  2. Congratulates the Minns Government for their environmental achievements to date and the importance of the election commitments to “stop runaway land clearing” and “fix the biodiversity offsets scheme”.
  3. Reaffirms the NSW Platform commitment that “Labor will prevent broadacre clearing and clearing of endangered and threatened regional ecosystems and ecologically sensitive areas” and “strictly controlling land clearing”.
  4. Supports embracing the opportunities that carbon and environmental markets present to work with landholders to restore and better manage landscapes, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create economic opportunity in the regions.



Conference agreed to add the below text to the platform, which for the first time recognises the climate and biodiversity value of our native forests, putting these considerations at the centre of our forests policy. This builds on existing commitments to reduce reliance on native forestry. 


Insert a new paragraph after 1.77 (or 1.66 in published version, the paragraph starting with "NSW Labor will protect our State Forests…”:

NSW Labor recognises the value and role of our forests in storing carbon, protecting biodiversity and supporting regional communities. NSW Labor is strongly committed to contributing to the delivery of Australia’s commitments under the COP26 Glasgow Leaders Declaration on forests and land which include halting and reversing forest loss and land degradation by 2030 in recognition that deforestation increases greenhouse gas emissions.

NSW Labor also supports other priorities of the Forest & Climate Leaders’ Partnership such as greening construction with sustainable wood and supports a sustainable future for NSW’s forests and forest products industry to help achieve this objective.

NSW Labor will update the NSW Forest Industry Roadmap to ensure it is contemporary and for purpose.

NSW Labor will:

  • Recognise the skills, knowledge and competencies of timber workers and their communities, as well as the central role First Nations communities play in restoring country and determining social, economic and environmental benefits flowing from forest management activity.
  • Expand NSWs plantation estate and processing and value adding capabilities to better satisfy increasing domestic and international demand for high-value, sustainably sourced and produced wood products, and develop an industry plan that facilitates regional job growth and vibrant sustainable communities.
  • Expand the objectives and benefits of public ownership and support, ensuring public investment delivers an equity stake or continued dividends for the people of NSW.
  • Support methods and systems for new management regimes for NSW forests that incentivise protection, conservation, restoration and/or sustainable use of NSW forests. This must prioritise the ongoing need for management, the effective use of by-products and restorative management where required along with the promotion of good and decent work.
  • Deliver the management and restoration of native forests, recognising and rewarding carbon and biodiversity values and the need for their active and ongoing management.
  • Harness the social, environmental, and economic benefits that our forests can provide.
  • Support increased supply of timber for residential housing construction, including support for new methods of engineered timber, modular housing and other methods to more economically utilize timber resources. 


Household Electrification

Conference endorsed LEAN’s motion on household electrification, calling on the government to set ambitious electrification targets, and support domestic manufacturing of electric appliances. This builds on the existing platform commitments to establish a gas substitution roadmap.

Conference welcomes the NSW Government’s commitments to deliver a consumer energy strategy and gas substitution roadmap. We call on the Government to:

  • Introduce incentive schemes and set ambitious targets to electrify households.
  • Prioritise vulnerable and difficult to transition households, including social housing and rentals.
  • Support domestic electric appliance manufacturing through procurement agreements for social housing and consumer incentives.
  • Coordinate workforce planning with unions and industry to ensure safety and quality job opportunities.
  • Introduce minimum energy efficiency standards for rental properties.
  • Encourage all-electric new builds to avoid expensive retrofits.

Marine Environment

LEAN secured a new commitment in the platform to create a NSW Marine Parks Establishment Plan, and our motion calling for the NSW Government to return sanctuary zones to full protection was successful. 

Platform Amendment:

1.65, under NSW Labor will: replace “Lift the Liberal/National Government’s moratorium on the creation of any new marine parks;” with:

  • Create a Marine Parks Establishment Plan, to ensure a Comprehensive, Adequate and Representative (CAR) marine reserve network in NSW that contributes to our national goal to protect 30% of ocean waters by 2030.



  1. Recognises the NSW marine environment is world class, home to a globally unique mix of tropical and temperate species. We must preserve it for future generations and the cultural and economic benefits it brings NSW coastal communities.
  2. Welcomes and reaffirms the NSW Labor platform commitments to “return marine sanctuary zones to full protection, so they again become areas where wildlife and habitats are protected", “establish a dedicated Sydney Marine Park” and “review the adequacy of other marine protection”.
  3. Calls on the NSW Government to return sanctuary zones to full protection, undoing the damaging loopholes created by the previous government; and review the adequacy of marine protections across the state.



The Labor platform now recognises gas use must decline, and commits Labor to accelerate efforts to reduce domestic demand for gas. 

The platform on Gas now reads: 

NSW Labor recognises that gas and methane are powerful greenhouse gases and that gas use must decline to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Labor recognizes that until replaced, gas will continue to be used for manufacturing and industry; and have a small but important role in firming the electricity grid. NSW Labor will accelerate efforts to reduce domestic demand for gas, including through fuel switching, energy efficiency and electrification. NSW Labor will ensure any gas projects; do not lock in emissions; do not create stranded assets; and do not delay or raise the costs of decarbonisation.


Invasive Species

The Labor platform now recognises this as one of the biggest threats to biodiversity. 

The platform amendment: 

1.xx NSW Labor recognises the significant impact invasive species have on native biodiversity, First Nations cultural heritage, communities and industries across NSW. NSW Labor will:

  • Strengthen the NSW biosecurity system to prevent the introduction of new invasive species, and enhanced regulation to prevent the sale of weedy plants.
  • Work with landholders across all land tenures to humanely control, and where possible eradicate pest animals and weeds.
  • Ensure public land managers and frontline agencies have sufficient resources to manage invasive species.


Protecting the Water Catchment

The following amendment was added to the Platform: 

Labor will:

  • Protect drinking water catchments from the impacts of mining and development.


Responsible Pet Ownership 

Conference Supported in Principle LEAN’s proposed amendment to the platform. NB: This means it is not added to the platform. 

Add a new paragraph under ‘Working Cooperatively with Local Government’

1.xx: NSW Labor recognises the significant impact pet and feral cats can have on native wildlife and the interest from many local councils to introduce local policies. NSW Labor will bring NSW into line with other states and enable local governments to introduce responsible pet ownership policies that would keep cats safe and prevent predation on native animals.

The Policy Committee noted:

The Minns Labor Government has asked the Legislative Council to perform a wide-ranging Inquiry into Cat Containment, which will commence soon. The NSW Labor is not preempting any future policy changes until the report and recommendations from the Committee’s inquiry are tabled.


Kosciuszko National Park

Conference supported LEAN’s below motion on the KNP. 


  1. Notes that Kosciuszko National Park is a fragile alpine ecosystem and there are simply too many wild horses in the park. Threatened native species are in danger of extinction and the entire ecosystem is under threat.
  2. Strongly Congratulates Minister Sharpe and Premier Minns for taking an sensible, and evidence-based approach to the protection of the park including the use of aerial shooting as a control method.
  3. Supports the dedication and professionalism of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service staff who are highly trained professionals acting in accordance with rigorous standards. Like all workers, they deserve our respect and appreciation.
  4. Supports further action to protect the park, including repeal of the Kosciuszko Wild Horses Heritage Act 2018 and funding to restore and regenerate the park.

Protecting Wildlife from Unsafe Backyard Tree Netting

Conference Supported LEAN’s motion: 

Conference calls on the NSW Government to ban the retail sale of unsafe backyard fruit netting and undertake an education campaign to encourage the use of wildlife safe netting.


Climate Change 

Conference supported LEAN’s below motion on climate. 


  1. Congratulates Premier Minns, Minister Sharpe and the NSW Government for the passage of the landmark Climate Change (Net Zero Future) Act.
  2. Recognises that NSW has the potential to be the renewable energy powerhouse of Australia. Few other places in the world have such abundant solar and wind resources, critical minerals, skilled labour resources, and existing heavy industry and manufacturing capabilities to leverage.
  3. Notes that the latest emissions projections show NSW is not yet on track to meet our 2030 emissions targets, thanks to years of denial by the former Liberal governments.
  4. Strongly supports the NSW Government's determination to redouble our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors.
  5. Encourages the government to embrace ‘low hanging fruit’ opportunities to reduce emissions, in particular through household electrification and the land sector.


Publicly Ownership of Renewable Energy

Conference supported LEAN’s below motion on renewables. 


  • Congratulates Premier Minns, Minister Sharpe, Treasurer Mookhey and former Shadow Minister Dib for NSW Labor’s commitment to establish a NSW Energy Security Corporation (ESC), a state-owned body that will accelerate investment in renewable energy assets.
  • Recognises that after a decade of failed electricity privatisation, the ESC will help deliver affordable, clean and reliable energy to the people of NSW whilst also delivering returns to fund essential services for the people of NSW.
  • Calls on the NSW Government to maximise opportunities for public ownership and public investment in renewable energy generation, storage and network infrastructure wherever possible, to ensure the benefits of the renewable energy transition are fairly and evenly enjoyed.
  • Calls on the NSW Government to explore opportunities for public, community and not-for-profit ownership of community batteries, through the ESC, to ensure the benefits of ‘community batteries’ flow to the public, not private corporations.

Ecological Limits

This Conference added recognition of ecological limits to the Platform which reads: 

Labor understands the importance of ensuring that government policy and economic activity remains within ecological limits, mindful of impacts of the climate and biodiversity. 


No New Extensions

The Labor Platform has been amended to affirm our goal of no new extensions, it reads: 

 Support Australian Labor’s goal of no new species extinctions.


Protecting the Liverpool Plains

Conference noted LEAN’s below motion on the Liverpool Plains. The Policy Committee added:  Refer to the precautionary principle as detailed in the platform.


  • Notes that the Liverpool Plains are some of the most fertile and productive farmlands in NSW, much of which is classified as Biophysical Strategic Agricultural Land. The Plains and Upper Namoi Valley floodplain also tap into some of the largest and most important aquifers in the Murray Darling Basin.
  • Calls on the NSW Government to commit to banning any Coal Seam Gas extraction or exploration on the Liverpool Plains. Recognising there is currently no CSG activity on the Liverpool Plains and it is essential farmland for food security.

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