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Campaign Motion

3GW publicly owned solar, wind +storage in Northern Queensland

If you are a LEAN member or supporter in Queensland, please consider taking the following motion to your local ALP branch or union. See the Motion Pack for background and details on letting decision makers (and LEAN) know about your efforts. When we get organised and work together we can make the Labor party a better, fairer party. You can also watch a short video which explains the campaign here. 


Queensland Labor is to be congratulated for their policy commitment to ensuring 50% of Queensland’s electricity is generated from renewable energy by 2030. This is a bold objective that is essential if we are to limit escalating climate change.

Changes to the current private, profit-driven, competition-based electricity system are needed to deliver secure power supply.

We note the people of Queensland continue to oppose the privatisation of essential services and the sale of state-owned assets.

Queensland Labor can lead the nation by ensuring the public sector continues be a major player in the Queensland electricity market by building publiclyowned renewable energy.


This Branch calls on the Queensland Labor Government to ensure the management of the energy industry delivers the supply of energy in the public interest, and to maximise the benefits of public ownership, driven by the goal of providing affordable, reliable electricity to Queenslanders while reducing pollution.

It calls on the Queensland Labor government to create a Queensland Renewable Energy Agency, to deliver local, long-term job creation, sound industrial relations and training opportunities through a Queensland first plan to build at least 3 gigawatts of publicly-owned large scale renewable energy and half a gigawatt of storage in Northern Queensland over the next decade.

Once your branch or union has passed the motion...

As members of Queensland Labor our voices are important. Our local branches and State Electoral Councils energise the Party across the state. It is vital we work together to amplify our voices, ensuring Labor delivers climate action that benefits all Queenslanders.

1. Pass the motion!

2. Let LEAN know you’ve passed the motion. When we ran the successful 50/50 campaign to have Federal Labor adopt strong climate change policy 370 local branches across Australia passed a motion in support. This list was essential in convincing the
leadership to act. Email your motion and branch details to [email protected]

3. Take a selfie of the branch or SEC with a placard that reads: Renewables: Powering Queensland’s future. Make sure you send the photo to LEAN and all the other emails.

4. Write to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, Energy Minister Mark Bailey and other key players to let them know you’ve passed the motion. We suggest you include the following decision makers:

• Hon Annastacia Palaszczuk, Premier, Minister for the Arts: [email protected]
• Hon Mark Bailey, Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports, Minister for Energy, Biofuels and Water Supply: [email protected]
• Hon Jacklyn (Jackie) Trad, Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport, Minister for Infrastructure and Planning: [email protected]
• Hon Dr Steven Miles, Minister for Environment, Heritage Protection and Minister for National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef: [email protected]
• Dr Anthony Lynham, Minister for State Development, Minister for Natural Resources and Mines: [email protected]
• Evan Moorhead, State Secretary, Qld ALP: [email protected]
• Noah Carroll, ALP National Secretary: [email protected]
• Hon Bill Shorten, Federal Leader: [email protected]
• Hon Mark Butler, Federal Energy Shadow Minister: [email protected]

5. Discuss your branch’s commitment to the motion with your State and Federal Labor representatives, SEC and conference delegates. Ask them to represent your branch’s concern to the Parliamentary Party and ask for a report on how it went.

6. Spread the word. Talk to your union, comrades and anyone else you can think of about the call for publicly-owned renewable energy for all Queenslanders.

If you would like to know anything more about the campaign or want to get involved, email Peter Casey in Southern Queensland at [email protected] or Susan Pearce in Northern Queensland at [email protected].