Labor Environment Action Network: National Rules
25 March 2018
- Purpose
The Labor Environment Action Network (LEAN)’s purpose is:
- To drive environmental protection and sustainability
- To put environmental protection and sustainability at the centre of Labor’s culture, values and policy
- To ensure Labor is the leading party of the environment within Australia
2. National Structure of LEAN
The National Structure of LEAN reflects the ALP’s National Structure whereby:
- LEAN is organised at a State or Territory level
- Each State and Territory Branch of LEAN is responsible for managing the affairs of LEAN in that State or Territory
- Each State or Territory Branch is entitled to send two delegates to LEAN Annual General Meetings and to LEAN’s National Committee
- The Annual General Meeting of LEAN elects the National Executive whose duties are outlined below
3. Role and duties of the National Executive
Subject to these Rules, the LEAN National Executive shall conduct the national affairs of LEAN, including:
- Leading LEAN’s engagement with the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party
- Promoting and leading engagement by LEAN in ALP policy development processes
- Engaging, informing and mobilising ALP members around national environmental policies such as action on climate change
- Developing relationships and dialogue with other relevant organisations, including trade unions and NGOs, to pursue cooperative action on environmental protection and climate action.
- Assisting State and Territory LEANs in coordinating their respective activities and coordinating with national issues and processes and to develop effective LEAN organisations in every state and Territory
- Establishing lawful arrangements for receiving, holding and expending funds in pursuance of the objectives of LEAN.
- Being the LEAN contact with the ALP’s National Office
The National Executive may authorise other persons or bodies to assist in the performance of its functions.
To enable the National Executive to perform its duties, State and Territory branches of LEAN shall report to the National Executive on
- Scheduling of their local Annual General Meetings
- Names and contact details of their Executive and of delegates to LEAN’s Annual General Meeting and to the National Committee
- Significant issues arising in the relevant State or Territory affecting LEAN’s purpose, including outcomes sought or achieved in the platform or policy of Labor in that State or Territory.
4. Composition of the national executive
The national executive shall consist of five persons
- A National Secretary; and
- Two National Convenors; and
- Two National Campaign Organisers.
The functions to be performed by each role are to be ratified by the LEAN National Committee.
5. Eligibility for membership of the National Executive
A person must be a member of the relevant State or Territory branch of the Australian Labor Party to be eligible for election or appointment as a member of the National Executive.
6. Selection of National Executive
- Members of the National Executive shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting of LEAN.
- Casual vacancies in the National Executive shall be filled by election by the convening of a special general meeting of the National Committee with a minimum of 21 days notice
- Members of the national executive shall be eligible to serve until the next national Annual General Meeting, but are also eligible for re-election.
7. Annual General meetings
The National Secretary (or, in her or his default, another member of the National Executive) shall convene a national Annual General Meeting.
At least 28 days notice of an annual general meeting must be given to each State or Territory LEAN organisation.
Two delegates appointed by each State and Territory LEAN organisation are entitled to participate and vote in any national general meeting.
In case of any dispute, the National Executive may certify which (if any) organisation constitutes the LEAN organisation in a State or Territory.
Members of the National Executive are entitled to participate in and vote at any national general meeting.
8. National Committee of LEAN
The National Secretary will call meetings of the National Committee of LEAN for the following reasons:
- For the conduct of national business with meetings to be conducted quarterly or more frequently as required
- To adopt National LEAN positions and policies
- Where a request to hold a meeting has been received from at least three National Committee members
- Urgent matters arising
Two delegates nominated by each State and Territory LEAN organisation are entitled to participate and vote in any meeting of the National Committee
Members of the National Executive are entitled to participate in and vote at any meeting of the National Committee.
9. Meetings and decisions
Meetings under these rules, including Annual General Meetings; meetings of the National Committee; and meetings of or convened by the National Executive, may be conducted in person; by phone or video conference; by email; or by any other means of communication as authorised from time to time by the National Executive.
The National Executive, or a member of the National Executive, may invite any person to participate, but not to vote, in any meeting.
In the judgement of the meeting’s Chair, the Standing Orders/Rules of Debate of the NSW Labor shall apply as the standard meeting Standing Orders for LEAN (attachment A).
10. Amendment of these Rules
These Rules may be amended at an Annual General Meeting or at a meeting of the National Committee on a motion for which at least 14 days notice has been given to the National Secretary.
11. General
Any matter that arises that is not covered by these rules is underwritten by the NSW Labor Rules.