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Maps on this page have been generated from Coastal Risk Australia's site which uses Google Earth Engine  this century.

Maps show inundation levels at the highest tides based on the 0.84 metre sea level rise predicted for this century by the Sixth IPCC Assessment Report (2021) twithout urgent and deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

Maps on this page are grouped by Federal electorate.

These maps make (very painfully) clear some of what Australia has to lose from sea level rise, and how important it is both to take serious action to minimise the amount of human-caused climate change, and to take seriously the need to adapt to the climate change we are unable to avoid. 

If you need a larger version of any image just go to Coastal Risk Australia and type the location in the search box.

Note the disclaimers on the site: these are predictions; reality may very well prove even worse without rapid climate action in Australia and internationally.

Our own disclaimers: Images belong to Google and to Coastal Risk Australia. Please do advise of any possible errors, including where the maps need some interpretation. (For example, some maps on Coastal Risk Australia's site show blue across elevated railways or roads where local knowledge fairly clearly indicates this refers only to the land underneath; let us know if in error we may have included any infrastructure in this category as flooded).

Bass | Braddon | Denison | Franklin | Lyons


Launceston might not seem like a coastal city. But as locals would well know, the Tamar at Launceston is still tidal, and thus directly connected with rising sea levels because of climate change. At Invermay, 0.84 metres sea level rise would mean widespread flooding at high tides for roads (including the East Tamar Highway / A8) and for properties, including the University of Tasmania Stadium and the University's Inveresk campus:


At Elphin there would also be substantial flooding of streets and properties:


The rail line would also experience flooding at high tides near East Tamar Junction:


and at Newstead: 


In a more obviously coastal location at Bridport, 0.84 metres sea level rise would bring flooding at high tides to properties, parks and reserves, and streets:  



 0.84 metres sea level rise would mean flooding at high tides for numerous properties and streets at Strahan:


and at Ulverstone 




In Hobart Franklin Wharf would experience flooding by high tides with 0.84 metres sea level rise:


There would also be flooding of the foreshore at Sandy Bay: 



At Bellerive flooding at high tides with 0.84metres of sea level rise would not quite reach the cricket ground, but would affect some nearby streets and properties:


At Cremorne there would be flooding affecting a substantial proportion of homes:


At Kingston the Channel Highway would experience flooding at high tides: 


At Lauderdale  a substantial proportion of the area would be flooded by high tides with 0.84  metres sea level rise:



At Hobart airport 0.84 metres sea level rise is shown as only just below the level which would bring flooding of the runway at high tides: 


At Coles Bay there would be flooding at high tides affecting homes, as well as Coles Bay Road leading to Freycinet National Park:


At Port Arthur  0.84 metres sea level rise would bring flooding at high tides to the historic site:


as well as to Safety Cove Road:


At Raspins Beach there would be flooding at high tides for local properties, and affecting the Tasman Highway: 


The Tasman Highway would also be affected by flooding at high tides at Triabunna:


At Orford there would be flooding at high tides affecting local properties with 0.84 metres of sea level rise:
