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Maps on this page have been generated from Coastal Risk Australia's site which uses Google Earth Engine 

Maps show inundation levels at the highest tides based on the  0.84 metre sea level rise which is predicted by the Sixth IPCC Assessment Report (2021) by 2100 without urgent deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions.

Maps on this page are grouped by Federal electorate.

These maps make (very painfully) clear some of what Australia has to lose from sea level rise, and how important it is both to take serious action to minimise the amount of human-caused climate change, and to take seriously the need to adapt to the climate change we are unable to avoid. 

If you need a larger version of any image just go to Coastal Risk Australia and type the location in the search box.

Note the disclaimers on the site: these are predictions; reality may very well prove even worse without rapid climate action in Australia and internationally.

Our own disclaimers: Images belong to Google and to Coastal Risk Australia. Please do advise of any possible errors, including where the maps need some interpretation. (For example, some maps on Coastal Risk Australia's site might appear to show blue across elevated railways or roads, but local knowledge and a close look at the maps fairly clearly indicates this refers only to the land underneath; let us know if in error we may have included any infrastructure in this category as flooded).

Brand | Canning | Curtin | Forrest | Fremantle | HasluckPerth | Swan |Tangney


Some streets and homes in Rockingham as well as Rotary Park would be flooded at high tides with 0.84 metres sea level rise.


The causeway from Point Peron to the naval base at Garden Island appears to experience flooding at high tides with 0.84 metres sea level rise


Flooding of local streets in Safety Bay at high tides would also occur.



In Mandurah 0.84 metres sea level rise would mean flooding of some streets as well as parks and reserves at high tides. Canal housing developments appear to have been designed to avoid flooding as long as sea level rise does not go beyond this level (which is now predicted without deep and rapid greenhouse emission cuts).


In South Yunderup while most homes similarly appear to be above the flooding which would be experienced at high tides with 0.84 metres sea level rise, there would be widespread flooding of roads, including the Forrest Highway and also local access roads: 


In Furnissdale there would be flooding of houses at high tides with 0.84 metres sea level rise:



At Keanes Point flooding at high tides with 0.84 metres sea level rise due to climate change would make all those boat moorings inaccessible: 


The same would apply at Matilda Bay 



In Bunbury 0.84 metres sea level rise would bring flooding to a substantial number of properties at high tides:


In Busselton there would be flooding for a smaller number of properties but also for the Bussel Highway:


At Pelican Point the Old Coast Road would also be flooded at high tides:



In Fremantle 0.84 metres sea level rise would mean flooding at high tides both for the foreshore and for some city streets and buildings: 


In North Fremantle there would be some flooding of homes and streets, as well as for reserves and the foreshore both in North Fremantle and across the river:



0.84 metres sea level rise would mean flooding at high tides affecting some roads in Caversham and Guildford


as well as the Great Eastern Highway in South Guildford


There would also be flooding at high tides affecting the Reid Highway at Viveash:



In Perth with sea level rise of 0.84 metres there would be flooding at high tides for the Rottnest Island ferry terminal and along Riverside Drive and Terrace Road



There would also be flooding for Trinity College and for the WACA cricket ground




0.84 metres sea level rise would mean flooding at high tides for streets and foreshore areas in South Perth:


and  Kensington:



as well as flooding affecting the racecourse and buildings at Ascot: 



0.84 metres sea level rise would mean flooding at high tides affecting the foreshore reserve and roads in Shelley:


and also in Attadale (including part of the cricket ground), as well as Alfred Cove and Applecross (including the tennis courts):
