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Climate Clearing Cows - The Motion

Support the campaign 

Join LEAN’s campaign by passing this motion in your local branch or sub-branch.

Draft motion for Branches

[Name] Branch/Sub-branch welcomes the Government’s achievements in acting to arrest climate change and environmental decline. We call on the Government to put protecting the natural environment at the centre of its climate change response and embrace the opportunity of building a world leading carbon drawdown industry.

[Name] Branch calls on the Albanese Labor Government to:

  1. Create a climate strategy for the land sector, working with the National Reconstruction Fund, the Powering the Regions Fund and Zero Emissions Taskforce to develop an industry plan for a world-leading land carbon industry which would create thousands of good regional jobs in managing land, forests and mangroves for carbon, and in significantly expanding our plantation base.
  2. Move to 100% plantation timber and end broadscale land clearing before the next federal election, creating uplift in regional employment and industrial diversification.
  3. Work with the agricultural sector to halve methane emissions from agriculture by 2030.

What do to after passing the motion? 

  1. Pass the motion at your branch! 
  2. Take a selfie with your fellow branch members and the flyer. 
  3. Email [email protected] with the photo to let us know your branch passed the motion. 
  4. Ask your secretary to email the key Ministers and people below to inform them of your branch's support 
  5. Discuss your branch’s commitment to the motion with your State and Federal Labor representatives, your National Policy Forum Representatives, your Union leadership, and your FEA/FEC and national conference delegates. Ask them to represent your branch’s concern to the Parliamentary Party and ask for a report on how it went.
  6. Spread the word. Talk to your friends, colleagues, comrades and anyone else you can think of about the call for a climate and industry plan for the land sector, the move to plantation timber and an end to native forest logging and land clearing.


Key Decision Makers to inform of your Branch's support:


If you would like to know anything more about the campaign or want to get involved, email Louise at [email protected] or Sean at [email protected]