The risk to Australia's summer game from more severe and frequent heatwaves resulting from climate change should be obvious.
A less obvious threat may be that of sea level rise.
Global warming is warming the oceans. Water expands as it warms. So, the seas are rising: around 200mm last century, and accelerating.
The grounds used by the Northern District Cricket Association include a number down by the river at Meadowbank. Unfortunately, Ozcoasts maps for impacts of sea level rise of 1.1 metres from climate change, show most of these grounds as inundated or badly affected.
With a 1.1 metre sea level rise the water also comes surprisingly close to the cricket ground at North Ryde RSL, Magdala Park. Remember, the nearby Lane Cove River is a tidal inlet of Sydney Harbour for much of its length, so sea level rise has a direct impact.
Bennelong MP John Alexander might know a bit about the elite sport that gave him success and fame back in the day. But where is he, on standing up for the grounds your kids play on? Voting the wrong way, that's where.
He's said he accepts the science of climate change. Yet he voted for abolition of carbon pricing; reversal of pricing on even more dangerous greenhouse gases like synthetic refrigerants; abolition of the Climate Change Authority; and abolition of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation.
In sharp contrast to John Alexander, Labor's candidate for Bennelong - Jason Yat-Sen Li - has done major work himself on climate action in the corporate world. He led climate initiatives for IAG, in particular. Which one is really the good sport?