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Some ideas for your letter to your MPs and Senators

Here's a draft letter for your local MP or Senator - to help you write yours. Please add something personal - you don't have to have the detail right, your concern is what matters. And think about writing a hand written letter? Or even better, ring the MP or Senator's office - you are a key stakeholder of theirs so your ideas and views matter. 
Dear [MP / Senator]
I am writing to ask for your advocacy in support of the environment at an urgent and important crossroads for the future of Australia’s environment laws. 
I would like to lend my voice in support of LEAN's grass roots campaign calling for stronger, smarter, simpler environment laws and for a future Labor government to re-embrace federal leadership as the only way to arrest environmental decline in Australia. 
My concern is that environmental leadership has been lost under the inadequate EPBC Act, which is currently under review.  With the recent release of the interim report from the Samuel Review, it is vital that Labor continues to be true to its National Platform and holds the Australian Parliament to account.
There are key bottom lines that should be adopted in response:
1. Labor supports creation of National Standards, but insists they are strong.
2. Labor does not support devolving the federal government's responsibilities for protecting the environment to the states and does not support development approval bi-laterals.
3. Labor insists that a non-negotiable reform includes the creation of an Environmental Protection Agency to ensure reforms are robust. 
As my local representative in the Australan Parliament, I am asking you to step up and be a prominent voice in the debate over reform of environmental laws, and ensure Labor's response reflects the ALP National Platform.
Yours in solidarity
Considering CC to: 

Labor Leader Anthony Albanese: [email protected]

Deputy Leader Richard Marles:  [email protected]

Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers:  [email protected]

Shadow Minister for Environment & Water Terri Butler:  [email protected]

Shadow Assistant Minister for Environment Josh Wilson:  [email protected]

National ALP Secretary Paul Erickson: [email protected]