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Branches supporting LEAN's call

The following local ALP branches and other party units so far have reported passing our motion calling on Federal Labor to reform Australia's environment laws and institutions.

National Conference has now endorsed updates to Labor's National Platform based on this motion! And Labor has announced stronger national environment laws and institutions as election policy!

But there is still value in letting the Party know just how strong the support for national leadership on the environment is throughout the Party.

If your branch or other party unit has passed the motion and you are not listed here, please let us know: [email protected] 

If your branch hasn't considered the motion yet, there is still time! Environment issues are going to be big in the upcoming election. Contact us at [email protected] about how we can help your branch to be ready.

Last update: 8 May 2019

Running count: 500

States and Territories represented: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA
Federal electorates represented: 135

Abbotsford NSW
ACT Labor Conference
Adelaide SA
Adelaide FEC SA
Adamstown NSW
Albert Park VIC
Albion Park - Oak Flats NSW
Albury NSW
Alexandria NSW
Alice Springs NT
Alpine VIC
Alstonville NSW
Annandale NSW
Annerley QLD
Arana Hills QLD
Ararat VIC
Ardeer VIC
Armidale NSW
Arncliffe NSW
Ascot Vale VIC
Ashbury NSW
Ashfield NSW
Ashgrove QLD
Auburn - Lidcombe NSW
Australian Labor National Conference
Australind WA
Bacchus Marsh VIC
Badcoe SA
Balgownie NSW
Ballina NSW
Ballina SEC NSW
Balmain NSW
Balmain SEC NSW
Banks FEC, NSW
Bankstown Central, NSW
Baroona QLD
Barton FEC NSW
Bassendean WA
Batman FEA VIC
Battery Point Tas
Belconnen ACT
Belfield - Campsie North NSW
Bellarine VIC
Bellbowrie QLD
Bellerive-Howrah TAS
Bellinger River NSW
Belmont VIC
Bennelong FEC NSW
Bentleigh VIC
Berowra FEC NSW
Berowra Mt Colah NSW
Berry Shoalhaven Heads NSW
Black Mountain ACT
Blacktown NSW
Blaxland - Glenbrook NSW
Bomaderry-Nowra NSW
Bondi Beach NSW
Boothby FEC SA
Box Hill VIC
Bradfield FEC NSW
Bragg SA
Break O Day TAS
Bribie Island QLD
Bright SA
Brighton VIC
Brighton le Sands NSW
Brighton/Bracken Ridge QLD
Brindabella Daytime ACT
Brisbane FEC QLD
Broadmeadows VIC
Bronte - Waverley NSW
Brunswick VIC
Bundaberg & Coral Coast
Bundoora VIC
Bungendore NSW
Burleigh QLD
Burpengary QLD
Burwood VIC
Byron Bay NSW
Caboolture - Morayfield QLD
Cairns Central QLD
Calare FEC NSW
Cambridge Park NSW
Camden NSW
Camden Haven NSW
Canberra North ACT
Canberra South ACT
Canterbury VIC
Canterbury North NSW
Cardiff Elermore Vale NSW
Carlton VIC
Carlton North VIC
Carnegie VIC
Carrick TAS
Castlemaine VIC
Casuarina NT
Centenary RHC QLD
Cessnock NSW
Cheltenham SA
Cheltenham VIC
Chermside Kedron QLD
Chipping Norton - Wattle Grove NSW
City and Haymarket NSW
Clayton VIC
Clayton South VIC
Clifton Hill VIC
Clovelly NSW
Coburg North VIC
Coffs Harbour NSW
Colac VIC
Colton SA
Como-Jannali NSW
Concord-Concord West - Rhodes NSW
Coomera QLD
Coopers Plains / Acacia Ridge QLD
Cowper FEC NSW
Craigieburn VIC
Croydon SA
Cunningham FEC NSW
Dandenong VIC
Dandenong North VIC
Dapto NSW
Darlington - Newtown (Trevor Davies Branch) NSW
Davenport SA
Daytime ACT
Deception Bay QLD
Dee Why NSW
Dick Ward branch, NT
Dobell FEC NSW
Doonside NSW
Double Bay - Bellevue Hill NSW
Doveton VIC
Dulwich Hill/Lewisham NSW
Dungog NSW
Dunstan SA
Earlwood NSW
East Hills SEC NSW
East Maitland NSW
Eastwood NSW
Elizabeth SA
Ellenbrook WA
Elsternwick VIC
Eltham VIC
Elwood VIC
Enfield SA
Engadine NSW
Enmore Camdenville NSW
Enoggera QLD
Environment and Urban Infrastructure Policy Committee ACT
Epping NSW
Epping VIC
Epping SEC NSW
Ermington NSW
Erskineville NSW
Everton Park QLD
Fairfield NSW
Finniss SA
Fitzroy - Collingwood VIC
Fivedock NSW
Flemington-Kensington VIC
Floreat WA
Florey SA
Forster-Tuncurry NSW
Fortitude Valley & Districts QLD
Fountain Gate - Endeavour Hills VIC
Frankston East VIC
Frankston North VIC
Fremantle WA
Gardens Point QLD
Geelong West VIC
Georges Hall-Yagoona NSW
Geraldton WA
Gibson SA
Giles SA
Gilmore FEC NSW
Ginninderra ACT
Gladesville NSW
Gladstone Meadows VIC
Glebe NSW
Glen Huntley VIC
Glen Iris VIC
Glen Waverley VIC
Glenorchy TAS
Glenroy VIC
Glenwood NSW
Gordonvale QLD
Gosford- Ourimbah- Narara Valley NSW
Goulburn NSW
Grafton NSW
Granville Central NSW
Granville Day NSW
Grayndler FEC NSW
Greenslopes QLD
Greenway FEC NSW
Greystanes Pemulwuy NSW
Griffith NSW
Guildford NSW
Gungahlin ACT
Haberfield NSW
Harbord NSW
Harris Park NSW
Hartley SA
Hawkesbury NSW
Hawthorn VIC
Healesville VIC
Heidelberg VIC
Hendra QLD
Hervey Bay QLD
Highfields QLD
Hindmarsh FEC SA
Hobart City TAS
Homedale NSW
Hoppers Crossing VIC
Hornsby NSW
Hughes FEC NSW
Hunter FEC NSW
Hunter Young Labor Asssociation NSW
Hunters Hill NSW
Huon TAS
Hurstville NSW
Hurtle Vale SA
Indooroopilly QLD
Jervis Bay - St Georges Basin NSW
Jubilee QLD
Kalgoorlie-Boulder WA
Kariong NSW
Katoomba NSW
Kaurna SA
Kavel SA
Kelvin Grove QLD
Kenmore RHC QLD
Kensington-Beaconsfield NSW
Kiama NSW
Kilsyth VIC
Kingborough TAS
Kings Cross NSW
Kingsford-Smith FEC NSW
Kingsgrove NSW
Kingsley WA
Kingston FEC SA
Knox VIC
Kogarah / Carlton NSW
Kogarah Day NSW
Kurilpa QLD
Kuringai NSW
Kwinana WA
Kyneton VIC
Lakemba NSW
Lalor Park NSW
Lambton/ New Lambton / Kotara NSW
Lancefield-Romney VIC
Lane Cove NSW
Lane Cove SEC NSW
Lanyon ACT
LaTrobe Valley VIC
Lee SA
Leichhardt NSW
Light SA
Lilydale VIC
Lismore NSW
Lithgow NSW
Liverpool South NSW
Lower Clarence NSW
Lutana TAS
Mackellar FEC NSW
Macleay Valley NSW
Macquarie NSW
Macquarie FEC NSW
Magnetic Island QLD
Maitland NSW
Majors Creek NSW
Makin FEC SA
Malabar NSW
Malvern VIC
Manning WA
Manly NSW

Manningham VIC
Mansfield QLD
Marayong South NSW
Maroochydore RHC QLD
Maroondah VIC
Maroubra NSW
Marrickville Central NSW
Mawson SA
Mayfield NSW
Meander Valley TAS
Melbourne East VIC
Mentone VIC
Merewether NSW
Merrylands NSW
Merrylands West NSW
Mid Mountains NSW
MidCoast Council LGC NSW
Mildura VIC
Mill Park VIC
Milperra NSW
Milton Ulladulla NSW
Mitcham VIC
Mitchell FEC NSW
Mitchelton QLD
Moonee Ponds VIC
Moorabbin VIC
Moreton FEC Policy Conference QLD
Morialta SA
Morisset NSW
Morphett SA
Mortlake-Cabarita NSW
Mosman NSW
Mount Ainslie ACT
Mount Coot-tha QLD
Mount Druitt NSW
Mount Druitt North NSW
Mount Ommaney QLD
Mt Lofty (Heysen) SA
Mullumbimby - Brunswick Valley NSW
Mulock Nepean NSW
Murrindindi VIC
Myall Lakes SEC NSW
Nambucca River NSW
Narooma NSW
Narrabeen - Pittwater NSW
Narungga SA
New Farm QLD
New Town TAS
Newcastle City Day NSW
Newcastle FEC NSW
Newcastle LGC, NSW
Niddrie VIC
Nightcliff NT
Noble Park VIC
Noosa QLD
North Melbourne VIC
North Penrith NSW
North Sydney NSW
Northcote VIC
Northern Tablelands SEC NSW
NSW Country Labor conference
NSW Labor Conference
Oakleigh VIC
Oatley-Peakhurst NSW
Ourimbah - Narara Valley NSW
Pacific Pines QLD
Paddington NSW
Paddington QLD
Padstow NSW
Palmerston NT
Panania NSW
Park Hill Granville East NSW
Parkes NSW
Parramatta NSW
Parramatta FEC NSW
Pascoe Vale VIC
Peninsula Day Branch NSW
Pennant Hills NSW
Penrith NSW
Penshurst NSW
Perth Labor Women WA
Petersham NSW
Port Adelaide SA
Port Adelaide FEC SA
Port Kembla NSW
Port Macquarie NSW
Portland VIC
Prahran VIC
Preston VIC
Punchbowl NSW
Pyrmont Ultimo NSW
Quakers Hill & District NSW
Queanbeyan NSW
Queenscliff - Ocean Grove VIC
Queensland Labor Conference
Ramsay SA
Randwick North NSW
Randwick-Coogee West NSW
Raymond Terrace NSW
Redfern NSW
Reservoir VIC
Revesby NSW
Reynell SA
Richmond VIC
Richmond Valley NSW
Rising Sun QLD
Riverina FEC NSW
Riverstone-The Ponds NSW
Robertson FEC NSW
Rockdale NSW
Rockdale SEC NSW
Rooty Hill NSW
Rosebery NSW
Roselands NSW
Rozelle-Lilfield NSW
Runcon Kuraby QLD
Rydalmere NSW
Ryde NSW
SA Labor State Council, SA
Salisbury QLD
Sarina QLD
Sefton NSW
Seven Hills NSW
Seymour VIC
Shellharbour Barrack Heights NSW
Shepparton and District VIC
Smithfield NSW
Snowy-Monaro - Cooma NSW
South Brisbane QLD
South Coast SEC NSW
South Gippsland VIC
South Hobart TAS
Southern Highlands NSW
Southport QLD
Springvale VIC
Springwood Faulconbridge NSW
St Kilda VIC
St Peters - Tempe NSW
Stafford QLD
Stanmore - Camperdown NSW
Stawell Vic
Stockton NSW
Strathfield NSW
Strathmore VIC
Strathpine QLD
Stuart SA
Sturt FEC SA
Summer Hill NSW
Sunshine Coast Hinterland QLD
Surf Coast VIC
Surfers Paradise QLD
Surry Hills NSW
Sutherland NSW
Sydney FEC NSW
Tamworth NSW
Taree NSW
Tasmanian Labor State Conference TAS
Tathra NSW
Taylor SA
Telopea ACT
The Gabba QLD
The Gap QLD
The Hills NSW
The Warren NSW
Thirroul NSW
Thornbury-Croxton VIC
Tilligerry NSW
Tomaree Peninsula NSW
Toongabbie NSW
Tooronga VIC
Toowoomba South QLD
Torrens SA
Toronto NSW
Toukley NSW
Townsville QLD
Traralgon-Morwell VIC
Tuggeranong ACT
Tumbi Umbi NSW
Tweed Heads NSW
Unley SA
Upper Yarra VIC
Upwey - Foothills VIC
Wagga Wagga NSW
Wagga Wagga SEC NSW
Wakefield FEC SA
Waite SA
Wangi Wangi NSW
Warilla-Mt Warrigal NSW
Warnervale NSW

Warringah FEC NSW
Warrnambool VIC
Warwick QLD
Watsonia VIC
Wentworth FEC NSW
Wentworthville NSW
West Torrens SA
West Wallsend NSW
Westmead NSW
Weston Creek - Molonglo ACT
Whitlam FEC NSW
Willagee WA
Willoughby-Castlecrag NSW
Wimmera VIC
Wodonga VIC
Wollondilly NSW
Wonthaggi - Bass VIC
Woodend VIC
Woy Woy NSW
Wright SA
Wyong NSW
Yarraville VIC
Yarrawarra NSW
Yarrawonga VIC
Yeronga QLD
Young, NSW
Young Labor ACT
Young Labor NT
Young Labor SA