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Maps on this page have been generated from Coastal Risk Australia's site which uses Google Earth Engine . Maps show inundation levels at high tide based on the 0.74 metre sea level rise which the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report (2021) predicts this century without urgent and deep greenhouse gas emissions cuts.

These maps make (very painfully) clear what Australia has to lose from sea level rise, and how important it is both to take serious action to minimise the amount of human-caused climate change, and to take seriously the need to adapt to the climate change we are unable to avoid. 

If you need a larger version of any image just go to Coastal Risk Australia and type in the location to the search box. Note the disclaimers on the site: these are predictions; reality may well prove worse without rapid climate action.





Coconut Grove



The map below shows the extensive tidal intrusion into Kakadu that would occur with 0.74 metres sea level rise.
