Climate change threatens St George sport

Global warming is warming the oceans. Water expands as it warms. So, the seas are rising: around 200mm last century, and accelerating.

Many of the grounds used for sports in the St George area are only just beyond the inundation levels currently predicted from sea levels rising as a result of climate change.  They don't have much room to spare, and they don't have any time for delay or reversal of action against dangerous climate change.

For some grounds the picture is even worse.

  • For Carss Park , Carlton Crescent in Carss Park , the OzCoasts map for 1.1 metre sea level rise impact shows 2 out of 3 cricket grounds affected


  • Scarborough Park Kogarah isn’t marked as inundated on the relevant 1.1 metre sea level rise impacts map from OzCoasts.  There can’t be room left, though, for much more sea level rise than that:  for the 11 grounds at Scarborough Park, much of the park shows on Google Earth as between 2 and 3 metres above average sea level.
  • OzCoasts also shows Kogarah Golf Club inundated extensively if global warming is allowed to keep pushing sea levels up to 1 metre and beyond.


  • Over at Beverley Park Golf Club the picture is equally grim. The map for impacts of 1.1 metres sea level rise also shows inundation for Claydon Reserve.

beverley_park_ golf

The new Liberal member for Barton, Nickolas Varvaris, has already voted for abolition of carbon pricing; reversal of pricing on even more dangerous greenhouse gases like synthetic refrigerants; abolition of the Climate Change Authority; and abolition of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation.

What he hasn't voted for - in fact, what he has voted against - are sports grounds in his own electorate which are under threat.

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