from 2014:
LEAN is calling on the Labor party to adopt the recommendation of its own expert body – the Climate Change Authority – and adopt a “19% plus” emissions reduction target.
In 2009 the Labor Government set the emissions reduction target to 5% of 2000 levels by 2020.
In 2011 the Labor Government set up the Climate Change Authority so that – as Greg Combet said – “climate change policy will be directed by evidence and facts rather than fear and political opportunism “.
The CCA was set up to provide independent and expert advice of identifying when the emissions reduction target should change based on the criteria of both a) international context and b) the scientific consensus.
In February 2014 the CCA recommended Australia raise its emissions reduction target to 19% below 2000 levels by 2020 and 40-60% by 2030.
The Australian Labor party needs to stand tall as the party of the environment and adopt the recommendations of its own expert body. LEAN believes that commitment to bold but responsible action, in line with the CCA’s recommendations to protect Australia’s future, to do justice to Labor’s previous efforts and achievements with the Clean Energy Future Legislation and expose the weakness of the Coalition’s “Direct Action” policy.
What are we doing?
LEAN is asking Labor members to pass the following resolution at their branches and Federal Electoral Councils to encourage the Federal Labor Party to enact a higher emissions reduction target. You can either have a LEAN ambassador come along to your branch (get in contact with [email protected] to organise one) or present it on your own.
The Resolution:
This branch:
1. Notes with concern continuing evidence of dangerous human induced climate change, globally and for Australia.
2. Congratulates Members and Senators on actions to protect the independent Climate Change Authority, established by Labor, from abolition by the Abbott Government.
3. Endorses the recommendations of the Climate Change Authority for enhanced minimum targets for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by Australia.
4. Calls on the Party leadership and organisation to take immediate steps to adopt and promote minimum emissions reduction targets of 19% by 2020, and to pursue early adoption of targets in the range of 40-60% for 2030.
What else can you do?
- Forward this motion onto our Federal leader the Hon. Bill Shorten MP and our Federal Climate Change Spokesperson the Hon. Mark Butler MP
- Get involved in our Ambassador Program and take this motion to other branches.